Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): The 3rd International Conference on Chinese Health Practices - Tai Chi

Tai Chi has gained wider acceptance worldwide in recent years. To build upon this greater acceptance, the Organizing Committee will hold the 3rd International Tai Chi Research Symposium at Beijing Normal University (China) from December 1 to 4, 2023. The 2023 symposium will aim to strengthen the international knowledge exchange of Tai Chi on the basis of scientific discovery, to integrate Tai Chi and Chinese Health Practices with healthy living, to promote “Healthy China” and share the concept of "human destiny community", and to share the wisdom of Chinese Health Practices. Invited guests and experts will discuss the scientific research related to Tai Chi and health practices through three formats: a) keynote speeches b) special reports, and c) poster presentations.

Published: 2024-03-10

Research Article
